Are Your Sinuses Giving You Trouble? It May Be Your Pillow!

Side view of young woman sleeping in white pillows

Many people have a favorite pillow that provides them additional comfort at night. Some people love having an extra fluffy pillow, and others appreciate a pillow that gives them extra support. However, some instances may require you to change your pillow to achieve a more restful night’s sleep. Your pillow may be to blame if you constantly battle sinus issues, congestion, and other problems. Here are a few ways to know it’s time to get a new pillow and how you can choose the most suitable pillow for your needs. 

Waking Up With a Headache

Have you woken up with headaches recently? Your pillow may play a role in how you feel in the morning. A good pillow should provide your head, neck, and spine the support they need to keep them properly aligned. Without proper alignment, it’s more difficult for your sinus to drain. When this happens, mucus can build up in your sinuses and create uncomfortable pressure, causing headaches when you wake up.

Most people have a headache in the morning now and then, but consistent morning headaches could indicate that your sinuses aren’t draining properly and cause you issues such as

  • Exhaustion
  • Confusion
  • Difficulty focusing
  • Lapses in productivity

Finding a pillow that helps keep your head, neck, and spine properly aligned, allowing your sinuses to drain at night and reduce headache-causing pressure.


It surprises many when they learn that their pillows could be a source of allergy misery. Pillows can hold allergens that impact your sinuses and make you miserable. Most experts recommend washing your pillows in hot water once a month to eliminate allergy-causing pests such as dust mites, mold, pet dander, and bacteria. 

While many experts advise people to wash their pillows, it can be easy to forget. One way to avoid this problem is by purchasing hypoallergenic pillows, sheets, and comforters to keep allergens under control.

Come Talk to Us

For some people, changing pillows is just the beginning of trying to address allergy issues. If you’ve tried everything to reduce allergy attacks, , and other chronic problems, our office can help. St. Louis Sinus Center specializes in cutting-edge care to provide the solutions you need to keep your allergies at bay and correct structural issues that make breathing difficult. For more on what we can do for you, please schedule a consultation with one of our 2 locations by calling us today at 314-450-7720.

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