LATERA in St. Louis, Mo

If you are suffering from lateral nasal cartilage, consider speaking with Dr. James D. Gould about LATERA® nasal implants! Dr. Gould can explain the benefits of LATERA®, answer any questions you have, and help you determine whether you are a candidate for treatment. Call  314-450-7720 to schedule your consultation today!


LATERA® is an FDA approved nasal implant that provides support to the collapsing lateral nasal cartilage. LATERA can help patients breathe better by reducing nasal obstructive symptoms.


How Does LATERA Work?

LATERA is a simple procedure that Dr. Gould performs at the St. Louis Sinus Center. First, he applies topical anesthesia to ensure patient comfort. Then, Dr. Gould inserts the implant through a small, inter-nasal incision. After insertion, the implant isn’t visible and doesn’t affect the external structure of the nose. The entire procedure takes only 5 minutes.

LATERA Results

LATERA is a simple procedure that Dr. Gould performs at the St. Louis Sinus Center. First, he applies topical anesthesia to ensure patient comfort. Then, Dr. Gould inserts the implant through a small, inter-nasal incision. After insertion, the implant isn’t visible and doesn’t affect the external structure of the nose. The entire procedure takes only 5 minutes.

Which Of These Treatment Options Are Right For Me?

Every situation of nasal obstruction is unique. Before recommending treatment, Dr. Gould conducts a thorough consultation and examination of the nose. This examination, which includes the Cottle Maneuver test, confirms that the cause of obstructed breathing is in fact a collapsed nasal valve and not another condition such as a deviated septum.

Which treatment is right for you may depend on your age, the severity of nasal valve collapse, and your preferences for technique, recovery, and long-term benefits. Our comprehensive consultation and discussion of treatment options should leave you with no questions about which approach would be best for you!

Call St. Louis Sinus Center For LATERA®!

If you are interested in learning more about Nasal Valve Collapse and LATERA, please call 314-450-7720 to schedule a consultation with our experienced team at our offices in St. Louis and Festus, MO. Or, you can fill out the appointment request form in our contact page. You can change your life with nose surgery and you can take the first step by speaking with us.

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Office Hours

Monday: 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM
Tuesday: 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM
Wednesday: 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM
Thursday: 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM
Friday: 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM
Saturday: Closed